EOTC Day 4

EOTC Day 4

Our bus trip to AUT Millenium. We were buzzing with excitement.

We were stuck in traffic for one hour. We finally reached our destination. Going over the harbour bridge was amazing.

Our instructors came to meet and greet us. 

We changed into our togs and got ready for our first rotation which kayaking.

We learnt how to wear our life jackets correctly. 

We had to swim the lap of the pool.

We learnt how to remove the kayak from the water.

The second rotation was the Coastguard Safe Boating Programme. 

We learnt how to do the chain to keep each other safe. We had to stick together.

We learnt how to get onto the boat safely. 

When we are stuck in the middle of the ocean, we learnt how to huddle together to get warm. The smallest person had to stay in the middle.

We practiced huddling in the water.

The next rotation was Team Building Athletics.

We had to work as a team and pass the tennis ball using pipes to the end of the track. It had to be placed inside the bucket. If we dropped, we had to start over.

The last rotation was rock climbing. Essence demonstrated how to do the three important steps.

This was called the Spiderman step.

We worked in two's and three's. 

Thank you amazing parent for making our trips possible.
